Valerie izeneko neska baten
foro-guneko zerrendan hau aurkitu niNan duela gutxi.
(Folk) punk / DIY ethic'd bands:
-Spoonboy / The Max Levine Ensemble
-Michael Jordan Touchdown Pass
-Andrew Jackson Jihad (who don't like being called folk punk but whatever)
-Nana Grizol
-Ghost Mice / all Chris Clavin
-Pat the Bunny & his million bands
-Good Luck
-Matty Pop Chart
-Paul Baribeau
-Sledding with Tigers
-Kimya Dawson / Antsy Pants
-Jason Anderson
-Mal Blum
-Bomb the Music Industry!
-Cheap Girls
-Hard Girls
-Laura Stevenson and the Cans
-The Riot Before
-Hop Along
-Captain, We're Sinking
-Chewing on Tinfoil
-Everyone Everywherem ,3